An Ancient Fire: Book Three of the Discovery Trilogy
An Ancient Fire: Book Three of the Discovery Trilogy
The world has gone to hell. It is a world where no one is guaranteed tomorrow, let alone today. Three generations in the past the earth came close to being destroyed leaving few alive. Now those few who are left wonder if the raiding armies of slavers, raiders, and the worst scum of the earth will drive them to extinction.
Little survives to show the glory and advancements that defined the world. And what is left is being scavenged to the point that soon there will nothing left to show their past. One family, barely avoiding the fate of others, has found refuge and isolation in the desert.
Yet, their peace will not last as the worst of these armies camp close to their hidden home. This army then begins searching the surrounding area. Can they avoid discovery? And if discovered all will be lost, as the men will be tortured and killed, the women raped, followed by the survivors and their children being sold into slavery - a fate far worse than death. And with fear and rising tensions their hope is to remain undiscovered. Since this other future is too terrible to contemplate.