Cual Camino? (Spanish Edition)
Cual Camino? (Spanish Edition)
Este manual satisface dos necesidades: la de conocer las doctrinas falsas para permanecer firmes en la verdad y la de aprender a acercarse con amor y argumentos s�lidos a quienes vagan extraviados en las tinieblas del error.
Los santos de los �ltimos D�as. La confesi�n positiva. El movimiento de la Nueva Era. La teolog�a de la liberaci�n. �Qu� dice la Biblia? Hay camino que al hombre le parece derecho; Pero su fin es camino de muerte, escribo el sabio Salom�n en Proverbios 14:12. Hoy m�s que nunca es necesario disponer de un manual sencillo y de solida argumentaci�n b�blica como el que la autora pone a disposici�n del mundo evang�lico.
Walker, un misionero veterano en Am�rica Latina, ayuda al lector a reconocer las doctrinas falsas y brinda asistencia y consejo s�lido a aquellos atrapados en sectas por malas interpretaciones b�blicas.
Which Way?
This manual satisfies two needs: that of knowing false doctrines in order to remain firm in the truth and that of learning to approach those who wander lost in the darkness of error with love and solid arguments.
Saint of the Later Days Positive Confession Movement of a New Era The Theology of Liberation What does the Bible Say? "There is way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death," Solomon wrote in Proverbs 14:12. Today it is necessary to have a simple and strong biblical manual, like the one that the author offers to the evangelical world. This manual satisfies two needs: to identify false doctrines so we can stay strong in the truth, and to love and direct those that are lost in the darkness to the light, Jesus Christ.
A veteran missionary to Latin America, Walker helps the reader recognize false doctrines and provides assistance and sound counsel to those trapped in cults by Biblical misinterpretations.