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Diecisis notas: La pasin oculta de Johann Sebastian Bach / Sixteen Notes (Spanish Edition)

Diecisis notas: La pasin oculta de Johann Sebastian Bach / Sixteen Notes (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9788425364624
Regular price $25.38 USD
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Esta novela no trata sobre Bach. Ni siquiera trata sobre m�sica.
Esta novela va sobre la libertad. La libertad de amar a quien t� quieras y donde t� quieras. En definitiva, la libertad de ser t�.

1720. Tras la inesperada muerte de su esposa, un devastado Johann Sebastian Bach conoce a una soprano a la que pr�cticamente dobla la edad y ambos cometen el peor de los errores: enamorarse.
1894. Durante la exhumaci�n de los huesos de Bach, se produce una misteriosa desaparici�n que desata la ira de una sociedad secreta y la sospecha de un asesinato.
1955. Pese a la oposici�n de todo su entorno, un jovenc�simo pianista casi desconocido elige las Variaciones Goldberg de Bach para su debut discogr�co. El pianista es Glenn Gould y la grabaci�n marcar� la Historia de la M�sica.

«Mucho m�s que una novela sobre Bach. Risto Mejide va a sorprender a sus lectores�. -JUAN G�MEZ-JURADO
«Una historia de amor inquebrantable. L�ela como si fueras ellos dos�. -M�XIMO HUERTA


This is not a novel about Bach. It is not even about music.
This novel is about freedom. The freedom to love whomever you want, wherever you want. In sum, the freedom to be you.

1720. After the unexpected death of his wife, a devastated Johann Sebastian Bach meets a soprano almost half his age, and they both make the worse mistake possible: fall in love.

1894. During the exhumation of Bach's remains, a mysterious disappearing triggers the wrath of a secret society and the suspicion of murder.

1955. Despite the objection of all those around him, a very young pianist, almost unknown, chooses Bach's "Goldberg Variations" for his debut album. The pianist is Glenn Gould, and that recording would make music history.

"So much more than a novel about Bach. Risto Mejide will surprise his readers." --Juan G�mez-Jurado

"A story about an unwavering love. Read it as if you were them." --M�ximo Huerta
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