Divinity: A Portrait of Human Spirituality
Divinity: A Portrait of Human Spirituality
In this book, you will find 1361 citations and quotations from nine different spiritual scriptures in an assorted order, some containing multiple teachings in themselves, and if you are a spiritually conscious, lover of wisdom or otherwise a thoughtful person, you will find long companionship from this book. As a portrait of human spirituality, you will gain thorough access to the teachings in Buddhism: The Dhammapada, The Diamond Sutra, The Lankavatara Sutra; Christianity: The New Testament; Confucianism: Confucian Analects, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Great Learning; Hinduism: The Bhagavad Gita; Taoism: Tao Te Ching.
What makes this book so significant is the amount of wisdom, enlightened awareness, power, clear sightedness, compassion and similarities between the scriptures, designed to give you also a perception of the universal nature of values, while deepening the roots of your awareness with enlightened realizations. You'll find yourself returning to this book again and again.