"Emmett Till Mississippi And Me" How His Life Inspired Me to Stand Up to Injustice: Dismantling Unconscious and Conscious Bias with EFT (emotional freedom techniques)
"Emmett Till Mississippi And Me" How His Life Inspired Me to Stand Up to Injustice: Dismantling Unconscious and Conscious Bias with EFT (emotional freedom techniques)
"Emmett Till Mississippi And Me" How His Life Inspired Me to Stand Up to Injustice: Dismantling Unconscious and Conscious Bias with EFT (emotional freedom techniques)
By: Mertiss J. Thompson
With the horrendous murder of Emmett Till in our history books, Mertiss Thompson explains how this terrible event of our country's past has affected him as a teenager while in the Navy. In his fourth book, Thompson explores why unconscious bias is still a problem in our country today.
About the Author
Mertiss J. Thompson has been in the Navy. He also attended the Academy of Art San Francisco and taught art to kids in his community. This is his fourth publication. Each black history month, the author exhibits his painting of Emmett Till in public libraries in Seattle. He has travelled to Jackson, Mississippi to the Civil Rights Museum for research on the book. The author continues to get into "good trouble" (John Lewis) working for a more just world for all.