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Exhaustive Psychedelics: A Gangs Recreational Drug Use Turns Toward Rehabilitation

Exhaustive Psychedelics: A Gangs Recreational Drug Use Turns Toward Rehabilitation

ISBN: 9781984571779
Regular price $24.45 USD
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Exhaustive Psychedelics is the first part of Gang Recreational Drug Use and Rehabilitation, the second part is Schmoodge. Schmoodge is used in a conversation over alcoholic beverages where the speaker is slurring, supposedly as in an effort to speak the word "smooth" but being drunk comes up with "schmoodge." The book follows a small gang of people from the early seventies who have developed a practice of psychedelic use through to the eighties. They eventually lean in the direction of a rehab after an incident that signaled the end of their tablet psychedelic use and ushered them to consider going to rehab. Drinking ensues. Drinking for the gang tapers off to coffee drinking. The plot is interspersed with an explaining narrative, somewhat like a newspaper article.
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