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La arquitectura del mal / The Architecture of Evil (Spanish Edition)

La arquitectura del mal / The Architecture of Evil (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9788401030611
Regular price $27.33 USD
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Un directivo insaciable, una elegante madame, una consejera corrupta, un retorcido arist�crata... En los c�rculos de poder de Madrid se est� gestando un peligroso juego de dinero, sexo y mentiras en el que cualquiera puede ser v�ctima o verdugo.

Carlos Mir es un candidato a suceder al presidente de una de las grandes tecnol�gicas espa�olas. Cuando descubre que otro directivo aspira al cargo, inicia una serie de oscuras maniobras para eliminar a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino. Pero todo explota en el momento m�s inesperado cuando aparece un cad�ver con unas misteriosas siglas grabadas en el vientre. El comisario Manuel Villacampa iniciar� una investigaci�n contrarreloj para averiguar qu� ha sucedido.

Inspirado en hechos reales, La arquitectura del mal es un trepidante thriller pegado a la actualidad sobre la corrupci�n en las altas esferas empresariales y pol�ticas. Una novela provocadora donde es dif�cil separar la realidad de la ficci�n.


An insatiable manager, an elegant madame, a corrupt adviser, a twisted aristocrat... In Madrid's circles of power, a dangerous game of money, sex, and lies is emerging in which anyone can be a victim or an executioner.

Carlos Mir, a candidate to succeed the president of one of the great Spanish technology companies, discovers another manager is also running for the job. He begins a series of dark maneuvers to eliminate anyone who stands in his way, but everything explodes at the most unexpected moment. When a corpse with mysterious initials engraved on its belly appears, Commissioner Manuel Villacampa begins an investigation against the clock to find out what has happened.

Inspired by true events, The Architecture of Evil is a fast-paced thriller about corruption in high-levels of business and politics, whose story very much resonates with current-day events. A provocative novel where it is difficult to separate reality from fiction.
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