La mujer del Coronel / The Colonel's Wife (Spanish Edition)
La mujer del Coronel / The Colonel's Wife (Spanish Edition)
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Una novela cargada de suspense y c�lidamente er�tica sobre el amor, el adulterio, la explotaci�n de la sexualidad y la violencia El coronel cubano Arturo G�mez est� en Angola peleando al frente de las tropas desplegadas en Cabinda. Llega hasta su despacho el capit�n y viejo amigo Eduardo Berti con un sobre amarillo. Habitualmente, esos sobres amarillos se utilizan para notificar oficialmente que la esposa ha cometido adulterio. De acuerdo con las r�gidas normas �ticas del Ej�rcito y del Partido comunista, un dirigente no puede aceptar esa situaci�n ni perdonar a su c�nyuge. El coronel tiene que regresar de inmediato a La Habana para enfrentarse a su c�nyuge y disolver el matrimonio. Nuria Garc�s es la esposa de Arturo G�mez, Psic�loga de familia y profesora de la Universidad de La Habana. Tiene 40 a�os y es atractiva e inteligente. Un d�a recibe en su casa la visita de un oficial de contrainteligencia que viene a notificarle que han descubierto que ella ha enga�ado a su marido con un profesor italiano, Valerio Martinelli, durante su reciente visita a Roma. Le cuenta que ya ha sido separada de su c�tedra y le advierte que su marido, que ya conoce lo sucedido, est� volando desde Angola para hablar con ella. A partir de ese instante se cuentan las relaciones entre Nuria y el profesor Martinelli en Roma. Martinelli es un hombre de sesenta a�os, atractivo y un erot�mano consumado. Como neuroling�ista, se ha especializado en las relaciones entre el lenguaje y el erotismo. Tiene una agitada vida afectiva con varios matrimonios y otros tantos fracasos y aventuras. Como parte de los juegos er�ticos a los que se entregan, Martinelli le escribe a Nuria unas cartas muy c�lidas y descriptivas desbordadas de erotismo. Quiere excitarla y, como neurofisi�logo y neuroling�ista, desea saber con cu�nta intensidad ha logrado su prop�sito. Martinelli y Nuria creen que esas cartas nunca ser�n le�das por una tercera persona... ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
Colonel Arturo G�mez is stationed in Angola when he receives an unexpected visit from his old friend, Captain Eduardo Berti, assigned the thorny task of informing him of his wife's infidelity. Nuria Garces, his wife, is an attractive family psychologist and a Professor at the University of Havana. An invitation to attend a series of conferences at a university in Rome gives Nuria and her sister, now living in New York, the opportunity to meet clandestinely. In Rome, Nuria also meets professor Martinelli, a neuroliguistic specialist and consummate eroticist. They both get lost in a game of sexual encounters and erotic letters. Back in Havana, she receives a visit from a counterintelligence officer, informing her the Communist Party is aware of her affair. She is further notified that her ties to the university have been severed, and that her husband is flying back to see her.
Nuria was convinced she had destroyed Martinelli's erotic letters...
Colonel Arturo G�mez is stationed in Angola when he receives an unexpected visit from his old friend, Captain Eduardo Berti, assigned the thorny task of informing him of his wife's infidelity. Nuria Garces, his wife, is an attractive family psychologist and a Professor at the University of Havana. An invitation to attend a series of conferences at a university in Rome gives Nuria and her sister, now living in New York, the opportunity to meet clandestinely. In Rome, Nuria also meets professor Martinelli, a neuroliguistic specialist and consummate eroticist. They both get lost in a game of sexual encounters and erotic letters. Back in Havana, she receives a visit from a counterintelligence officer, informing her the Communist Party is aware of her affair. She is further notified that her ties to the university have been severed, and that her husband is flying back to see her.
Nuria was convinced she had destroyed Martinelli's erotic letters...