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Los 9 secretos de la gente exitosa. Serie Management en 20 minutos (9 things successful people do differently. 20 minutes manager Spanish Edition)

Los 9 secretos de la gente exitosa. Serie Management en 20 minutos (9 things successful people do differently. 20 minutes manager Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9788417963576
Regular price $13.37 USD
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No es s�lo qui�n eres, es lo que haces. �Est�s en la cumbre de tu juego, o todav�a est�s tratando de llegar all�? D�cadas de investigaci�n sobre logros sugieren que la gente que est� en la cumbre de su juego tiende a alcanzar sus objetivos por lo que hace, no por lo que es. En este corto, provocativo y �til libro, la psic�loga motivacional Heidi Grant Halvorson traduce los secretos psicol�gicos de estos seres humanos exitosos para su beneficio. Halvorson se expande para dar m�s detalles sobre cada una de las nueve acciones sugeridas, desde ser espec�fico sobre las metas y monitorear agresivamente sus logros hasta entender la importancia de tener "agallas". Enfatizando lo que la gente exitosa hace de manera consistente y efectiva, Halvorson provee el camino para ayudarte a lograr tus metas, de una vez por todas. Los lectores han llamado a esto "una joya de libro". Prep�rate para lograr tus objetivos de una vez por todas. /// It's not just who you are--it's what you do. Are you at the top of your game--or still trying to get there? Decades of research on achievement suggests people at the top of their game tend to reach their goals because of what they do-not because of who they are. In this short, provocative, and useful book, motivational psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson translates the psychological secrets of these winning human beings for your use. Halvorson expands to give more detail on each of her nine suggested actions-from getting specific about goals and aggressively monitoring your achievements to understanding the importance of having "grit." By emphasizing what successful people do consistently and effectively, Halvorson provides the path to help you accomplish your goals, once and for all. Readers have called this "a gem of a book." Get ready to accomplish your goals at last.

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