Mutiny on Outstation Zori
Mutiny on Outstation Zori
"Mutiny" is a fast-paced space opera/adventure featuring a group of mis-matched characters investigating a "terrorist group" who've stolen a dozen ultra-secret space skimmers. At least, that's what it appears to be about 1n the beginning. In the end, the novel really deals with positive character growth and a belief in bravely facing the unknown against all adversity.
Tracking the thieves through space leads free-lance circuit-jockey Jamie Devon to discover his old buddy, Cast, now a member of a high-tech religious cult that has taken over the military Outstation Zori.
Before their conflict can be locked, they learn that the outstation is under an imminent retaliatory attack from the oppressive government's military forces. But before that can happen, an evil empire of warrior aliens launches a surprise raid in response of the invasion of their "space."
Ultimately, our heroes resolve their problems by employing a combination of pluck and daring--plus a surprise ally. The warrior aliens retreat, the military is dealt with, and the Outstation uses the space skimmers to journey into the Great Unknown.