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Author: Savko


ISBN-13: 9780981786803

ISBN-10: 0981786804

Language: English

Category: Fiction / Family Life


Andrew Pavel, by all outward appearances, lives a normal life. He has a beautiful wife, Erica, and two great kids, Nathan and Eileen. His brother and sister are his best friends and his parents drive him crazy. But behind closed doors, normal is slipping away from a depressed and anxious Andrew. Nathan's recent diagnosis of autism leaves Andrew grasping at therapies and Erica in denial. Their differences lead them to seek a divorce. And just when Andrew could use some emotional support, his parents announce that they're going through their own divorce. As events unfold and relationships continue to evolve, past secrets come to light, threatening the positive level that Andrew and Erica have struggled to achieve. The tested bonds of friendship and the fragility of family prove that change, whether subtle or volatile, is unavoidable. Andrew must learn that when things will never be normal again, you have to find a new normal, and make peace with it, before you can find peace in yourself.
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