Sun Tzu for Women: The Art of War for Winning in Business

Sun Tzu for Women: The Art of War for Winning in Business

Author: Sheetz-Runkle


ISBN-13: 9781598699074

ISBN-10: 1598699075.0

Language: English

Category: Business & Economics / Women in Business


For twenty-five centuries, men have used Sun Tzu's classic The Art of War as a guide to conflict. In recent years, it's been a guide to climbing the corporate ladder. But this book shows that there are more paths to winning than frontal assault. You can learn from the ancient Chinese strategist how to apply the feminine principle to the business world--and win every time.

Whether it's relying on networking skills to win allies or maneuvering to gain a decisive advantage, the author shows through dozens of case studies from prominent women in business how to overcome the odds, defeat opponents, and forge successful careers.

The tenets of Sun Tzu lend themselves to women's natural strengths in diplomacy and relationship-building. With this interpretation, you'll learn to leverage these valuable assets to trump your male colleagues every time.
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