The Millionaire from Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets for You! (Millionaires of the Bible Series)
The Millionaire from Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets for You! (Millionaires of the Bible Series)
It is the divine purpose of the Christ nature in all mankind to also be an instrument of that suc-cess and bountiful abundance. In this great age of enlighten-ment, nothing less can possibly satisfy the evolving soul of an illumined individual. An inner consciousness of wealth in-cludes all of the vast benefits of outer, material wealth but it encompasses much more. To learn and apply the pros-perity principles Jesus taught is to become at one with all in-terior and exterior wealth, and to reap the peaceful, soul-satisfying benefits that such a consciousness brings. Through his many prosperity miracles and parables, ' Jesus pointed out simple ways to employ the right use of the inner kingdom of God within, both in attitudes and ac-tions; thereby bringing prosperity and success.
It is true that Jesus did not possess many of the outer trap-pings of wealth, as did some of the illustrious millionaires of the Old Testament. Instead, he developed inner con-sciousness of wealth that made it possible for him to mani-fest supply as the need arose--without any of the burdens and responsibilities that sometimes accompany vast material wealth. In this present era of "instant everything," his rich mentality of "instant supply" can be especially ap-preciated since it reflects a consciousness of true prosperity at its best. Increased health, wealth, happiness and spiritual understanding are all pos-sible when you begin to use the prosperity secrets that were taught by Jesus.