The Power of Rain: A Digger Doyle Mystery (Digger Doyle Mysteries)
The Power of Rain: A Digger Doyle Mystery (Digger Doyle Mysteries)
Elizabeth "Digger" Doyle is a tough young lesbian reporter with a nose for political intrigue in Las Vistas, New Mexico, a town where developers call the shots and politicians turn a blind eye. Land speculator Johnny Raposa wants a road built to his luxury clifftop subdivision. Artist/activist Maria Ortiz is fighting to stop the road and save a historic Spanish chapel. Maria begs Digger, the reporter, to expose Raposa's shady past. Digger's investigation is complicated by her powerful attraction to Maria.
Digger follows tips from a mysterious source, learning Raposa has dark secrets, a scam that bilked millions from taxpayers. As Digger and Maria navigate a tightrope relationship, colleagues warn Digger she's risking her career by getting involved with a story source. But the paper is in financial trouble. Can Digger get the story without losing Maria? Can she expose Raposa and stop the road before bulldozers destroy the chapel? Will her story appear before the paper closes?