The Reincarnation of Shaleena McBay
The Reincarnation of Shaleena McBay
Jodi's parents love children, but they are unable to have their own. Instead, they literally have a baby handed to them. In their desperation, they keep Jodi's mysterious arrival a secret.
When Jodi needs a brain implant to stay alive, her parents face a desperate choice. The reality of the soul and the truth of identity must be confronted.
Who is the real Shaleena McBay?
About the Author
Dessie Mae worked thirty-three years in the nursing field, from a nursing assistant to director. She currently resides in Cadet, Missouri. Dessie Mae is active in her church and plays guitar for service music. She enjoys gardening and riding horses.
Throughout her life, Dessie Mae has loved reading and the journey books could take her on. As a child she loved to entertain friends and siblings by making up and sharing her own stories.