Unquittable: Finding & Keeping the Talent You Need
Unquittable: Finding & Keeping the Talent You Need
Unquittable presents a from-the-trenches guide to the most effective tools, strategies, and processes for attracting, developing, and retaining talent in your organization. Informed by the author's work helping hundreds of companies become more talent-minded, the hard-won techniques outlined in this book can be adapted for organizations of any size and deliver extraordinary bottom-line improvements with relatively little up-front investment. Laugh-out-loud stories of how to implement, and just as important, how NOT to implement talent strategies, bring to life some of the personalities and issues (both good and bad) employers can expect. Winning the war for talent requires more than good intentions-- success requires conviction, investment, confidence, and time--and Unquittable delivers an engaging compendium of proven solutions to the most challenging and urgent issues facing anyone who hires and manages people.