Whatever Happened To Grace?
Whatever Happened To Grace?
"Tom Gulbronson is a rare combination: a man with the heart of a pastor and a mind like a steel trap. His well-trained mind allows him to delve deeply into the Word of God, and his pastor's heart distills what he has learned with care and compassion for others."
--Amy Hollingsworth, author of The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers
Many people today do not understand the grace of God and what they can become through the finished work of Christ. In this book, Dr. Gulbronson defines grace and how to appropriate it in our lives. The reader will discover the path to God's abundant grace.
This book is written for anyone desiring the full benefits of the New Covenant. Many are still living under the Old Covenant and are not realizing true freedom in the finished work of Christ. The author takes us on a journey of discovering grace and how to walk in that grace. He sets the tone by beginning the book with expositions of the book of Galatians. He then shares how grace affected so many biblical figures.
There are thirty-one chapters in this book, and by reading one chapter daily, this book can be completed in one month, which would complete a study in grace. This journey of grace can bring confidence, assurance, and hope to the believer.
May each reader realize the grace of Christ and His finished work on the cross.